Tag Archives: workout mistakes

9 Most Common Workout Mistakes

Workout-MistakesYou work really hard to keep yourself on a good workout schedule and eating right, but there are a couple things you could be doing that may have a significant impact on getting you and your fitness goals. These are mistakes even the most disciplined and devoted fitness addicts can make. Let’s fine-tune your workouts!

1) Not fueling up after your workout session.
Food is SO important. 80% of your results is food and how your fuel your body. This includes pre and post workout meals. After you’ve worked your body, you have a small time-slot of about 45 minutes (optimize in 45!) to provide your body with the much needed nutrition it requires. When you fuel up after a workout, the calories, carbs, and protein you consume get right to work on repairing and rejuvenating your muscles.

2) Allowing gravity to do all of your work for you.
How are you suppose to get the most out of your weight workouts if you let gravity drop your weight? The negative movement (bringing the weight down) is just as important as the positive movement (bringing the weight up). If you don’t resist the weight coming down, you’re missing out on half of the exercise and not getting the most out of your rep. If you’re going to make the decision to get into the gym, don’t you want your work to go to good use? So take your time and slow down the movement to build that lean, beautiful muscle that’s going to be burning tons of fat!

3) Not getting in enough resistance training.
Resistance training isn’t just for bodybuilders…and neither is HEAVY resistance training. I lift heavy all the time and have never become bulky. Cardio definitely helps you burn fat, but it will do nothing to shape those muscles. And when you build muscle, it will burn fat ALL the time…even when you’re sleeping! I know I’d love to burn more fat when I’m not working to burn it!

4) Not lifting heavy enough.
If you want to change the way you look, you have to challenge your muscles…and in order to challenge your muscles, you have to lift heavier. If you’re not struggling with your last three reps, you’re not making significant changes in your body. When you can complete a set of reps with the current weight you’re using, increase your weight!

5) Not drinking enough water.
Water is a necessity! It is responsible in aiding so much of what are bodies do on a regular basis! It helps build muscles, keeps your metabolism up, aids in digestion and losing weight, keeps your organs running smoothly, and flushes your system. Aim for 1/2 your body weight in ounces a day! And the first thing that should go into your mouth before anything else in the morning is a glass of water.  If you think water is extremely boring, try adding some cucumber, lemon/lime, herbs/mint, or frozen fruit to infuse your water and add a hint of flavor.

6) Focusing too much on the short term.
Our bodies are extremely smart, but takes time to be trained to run the proper way through food and exercise. So be patient to see the results. Our bodies also adapt very quickly to workout routines, so be sure to change up your schedule every 3-4 weeks to keep from plateau-ing. And it doesn’t have to be anything really drastic…think about changing the sequence of your workouts or the angle at which you’re lifting your weight.

7) Not allowing yourself enough rest time.
Your body needs rest. Especially between resistance training sessions. Try to wait at least 48 hours when training the same muscle group. This will give it time to develop, heal, and grow for your next session. In any workout, whether it’s cardio or strength training, the muscle fibers tear, which causes the soreness you experience. It’s important to allow your body to mend itself back together. Additionally, it’s critical to get between 7-9 hours of sleep at night.

8) Not eating enough.
If you’re not eating enough, your body will not improve. When you’re working your body, it needs more fuel to support it. The more you work, the more fuel it needs. When you work hard and eat often your body will consume and use those calories – they don’t sit and store as fat like everyone expects they will. If you aren’t seeing the kinds of results you’re looking for, the problem usually lies in how or what you’re eating, so keep yourself aware and track when you need to. There are great online and mobile apps like LoseIt and myfitnesspal you can use.

9) Not creating enough variety in your cardio.
Variety is the spice of life…and in workout land as well! For example, if you’re running the same pace on the treadmill over and over again, your body will adapt and you will plateau. You won’t be challenged anymore. Try interval training instead and run at a higher intensity for a little while, then a lower intensity…then try bringing up the incline and work your legs at a slightly different angle….play around with it and you’ll have a much more effective session.

So be aware and keep an eye on some of these things. Make some changes, even small ones, where you need to and you’ll be surprised at how much of a difference they’ll make!

Yours in Health,
